Story teller videos are the ones that have a story to tell. They begin with an introduction of the story, followed by a midsection which is the story itself and then like any other video, the ending. Typically, this is known as a long-form video. The short-form videos’ length is under 10 minutes whereas the long-form videos’ length is above 10 minutes. The length of the videos is not the only difference between both forms. Long-form videos contain in depth content designed to give the audiences larger amounts of details and information, usually by means of storytelling. Short-form content provides bite sized information intended to be consumed quickly.
People have the appetite for quality long-form content and would gladly watch it online as long as it’s relevant, useful, compelling, entertaining, educative and informative. Therefore, brands should not be afraid to jump on the bandwagon and create long-form content for their own needs and purposes.
Another reason for considering longer-form is that it affects the consumer experience and has a huge impression on them. Although today’s consumer is price sensitive, price is not as important as other factors such as the consumer’s perception and attitude towards the brand i.e. their beliefs and feelings about the brand. Based on solid and measurable data the consumer journey and customer experience is improved through long-form video content.
In 2017, long-form video content won the most watch time across TVs, PCs and Mobile devices. The latest global video index report done by Ooyala, a global video platform, shows that consumption of long-form video was up across the board, with smartphones seeing a jump from 47% to 55%, PCs were up from 55% to 65%, connected TVs up from 96% to 98%, and Tablets up from 65% to 81% all that just during Q1 of 2017. The most notable increase happened on tablets, with long-from video consumption going from 65 percent in 2016 to 81 percent last quarter. Unquestionably long-form videos are growing online. There was a bit of doubts stated whether online long-form could command audiences in the way that broadcast TV does. However, basis consumer studies and research, it has been validated that online long-form video is becoming equivalent to TV in many ways.
In conclusion, long-form videos are storytelling and people are starting to crave for quality long-form videos. After all, quality is better than quantity.